When we look at ourselves, we immediately begin to point out the bad, the things we do not like about ourselves, the things which we consider to be flawed. Sometimes we feel we do not measure up, that our worth is so little because we base it on outward appearances. 

It is said that beauty is found in the eye of the beholder, so when our beholder is not impressed, we feel we were not enough. We begin the list of not pretty enough, skinny enough, curvy enough, tall enough, short enough, and on and on. Where does it stop? We judge and compare one another to give ourselves that fleeting feeling of worth. 

We strive to obtain that feeling of worth, to do whatever possible to hear those words of affirmation that we are beautiful, whatever it takes to be seen as something to admire. We get so caught up on what we think we should look like we forget what true beauty is. 

We are pressured into believing that we must look a certain way to be important, to be seen, to be a beauty. We forget we are perfect the way we are, that no one is the same and that makes us each uniquely beautiful. 

When we judge and compare and we follow the world's view on what pretty should look like, what we see in the mirror isn't enough. 

This is something I have struggled with too often. I have cared too much about what others think, I point out flaws when I should be thankful I am precious in God's sight, I have let others define my worth.

And so, what is true beauty you ask?
It is the heart behind your smile, the joy heard in the music of your laughter, the kindness shown in selfless acts, the light that shines in your eyes, the gentleness of your spirit, the love you give when it is not returned, the confidence of your identity in Jesus, and its the belief that we are fearfully and wonderfully made.

                                   "Do not let your adornment be merely outward--arranging 
                                 the hair, wearing gold or putting on fine apparel--rather let it 
                                be the person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a 
                              gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God."
                                                                   1 Peter 3:3-4

True beauty cannot be defined by outward appearances, but the heart that lies within. What we do and say means so much more than how we look. Our looks or people's opinions of us do not define who we are, and we shouldn't let it. God sees the heart, that's all that matters to him. You're precious and beautiful in his sight. He made you perfect and don't let anyone take that away from you. You are loved, you are his, and you are beautiful. 

But all of this means nothing unless we truly believe it. Instead of wanting to turn heads may we turn hearts to the light of Christ. May the beauty that shines within be a reflection of the beautiful sacrifice Jesus paid for us. Our worth is found in Jesus. Outward beauty does not last, but inward beauty is unfading. 

This has just been something that has laid heavy upon my heart for some time, and the truth that I have heard and learned, I wanted to share with you. We are so much more than our appearances, and we lose sight of that too often. I needed to hear this just as much as anyone. 

If anything I hope that you see yourself as God sees you, that you see yourself worthy of his love. Because that is who he made us to be. 

~Madison Suzanne   



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